Who you do business with matters.

At Welty Energy, we exist to power relationships and reliability with our partners. We deliver the most extraordinary project successes by bringing an emotional intelligence to our work that is unlike anything else in the industry.

Our approach is based on the following set of values:


  • We are candid and direct, no hidden agendas.
  • We are open-minded, embracing new ways to learn, grow and adapt.
  • We embrace new ideas and ways of doing things.
  • Egos do not get in the way of progress.


  • We are excited about our work, driven by our purpose and passionate about performance.
  • We have a passion for innovation, challenging the status quo and taking calculated risks.
  • We care intensely about the success of Welty and have an insatiable thirst for excellence.


  • We embrace the “world of co” – collaborating and co-creating with our colleagues and customers.
  • We build a safe environment for participation and inclusion.


  • We trust others and build trusting relationships.
  • We treat others fairly and communicate clearly and candidly in all we do.
  • We do not harm.
  • We set and manage expectations based on the realities of the situation.


  • We think and act with both our internal and external customers – and their customers – in mind.
  • We listen – always striving to learn more about our customers’ business so we can better anticipate their wants and needs.
  • We understand and create value for the customer through ease of use, speed and delivery, setting realistic expectations.

We value diversity.

Welty Energy embraces diversity, openness, and inclusion in our work environment. Our commitment to diversity goes beyond race, religion, and creed. We believe a diverse workplace is one that is welcoming to all, regardless of generation, gender, background, experiences, interests, or opinions. The formation of our team reflects our commitment to diversity while our actions demonstrate our loyalty to these values.